Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Two on the Bed and the Little One Said...

Roll over!  Roa is really starting to roll!  It is exciting.  And dangerous.  Roa rolled right off our bed this weekend...onto hard wood floors, I'll add.  YIKES.  He didn't cry.. amazingly, but he does have a goose egg on his head.  Poor guy.
I ADORE the fact that we have to be more careful with his position in the house.

Other than rolling off of furniture, Roa's other big choice of activities is to climb our newly carpeted basement stairs.  Up and down we go...practicing those alternating patterns of climbing.  I must say, he is getting it.  He needs support in his midsection and doesn't quite balance, but it is coming.  Baby steps marching forward.

We purchased a SADD light to possibly help with Roa's sleep disorder.  MaryJo, school OT, recommended we try positioning Roa in front of the light for 1/2 hour before bedtime to try and reset his internal clock to sleep longer.  We haven't tried it for AMAZINGLY enough.. Roa is sleeping like a champ with only one brief wake up.  He is giving up napping, I am sad to say, but that seems to help night time sleep.  PRAYING FOR CONTINUED SLEEP!!!

Other new therapuetic attempts....
  The Wilbarger Brushing program- to help him process movement and increase body awareness.  6-8 times a day, we should brush Roa's entire body and do joint compressions.  We have decreased the amount to about 2-3 times due to the nice weather, but it seems to alert his little body.

Therapuetic Listening program- twice a day for 1/2 hour, Roa wears headphones and listens to specially designed music to help him concentrate on tasks, coordinate muscle movements and stimulate brain processing.  We just started this via Kara at Functional Kids, OT,... we will keep you updated onto changes.

I have begun corresponding with the director of the Snowdrop program.  Based in England, this form of intevention is a brain-based therapy that is new and becoming quite popular in Europe, Australia and a few places in the US.  Repetition of tasks based upon a child's skill level to train the brain to complete everyday common life skills is its main premise.  I will keep you updated of it's plan....

Yes, another day of battling through the Land of CP.  Adventure on weary travelers... the day is just beginning.

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